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Publilius Syrus

Quote of Publilius Syrus - Youth must be mastered not by...

Biography - Publilius Syrus:

Latin writer *Approximate years of birth and death.
Born: -85 - Died: -43
1st century BC
Place of birth: Syria

Youth must be mastered not by force but by reason.



(French, Latin, German)

L’adolescence doit être gouvernée par la raison, et non pas par la force.

Ratione, non vi, vincenda adolescentia est.

Vernunft, nicht Härte soll die Jugend zügeln.

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Quotes for: reason


Quotes about reason:

Have courage to use your own reason!

Truth prevails only to the extent that we successfully assert it. The victory of reason can only be the victory of rational people.

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.

The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing.

Good sense is, of all things among men, the most equally distributed; for every one thinks himself so abundantly provided with it, that those even who are the most difficult to satisfy in everything else, do not usually desire a larger measure of this quality than they already possess. And in this it is not likely that all are mistaken: the conviction is rather to be held as testifying that the power of judging aright and of distinguishing truth from error, which is properly what is called good sense or reason, is by nature equal in all men; and that the diversity of our opinions, consequently, does not arise from some being endowed with a larger share of reason than others, but solely from this, that we conduct our thoughts along different ways, and do not fix our attention on the same objects. For to be possessed of a vigorous mind is not enough; the prime requisite is rightly to apply it.

The weakness of human reason appears more evidently in those who know it not, than in those who know it.

Quotes for: strength


Quotes about strength:

Consciousness of our powers augments them.

I dare to believe that inner joy has some secret power to win the favour of fortune.

On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.

...and nobody knows the extent of his strength until he has tried.

There are two ways of contesting, the one by the law, the other by force; the first method is proper to men, the second to beasts.

Love you will find only where you may show yourself weak without provoking strength.

Quotes for: youth


Quotes about youth:

The storms of youth occur between days of brilliant sunshine.

For souls nobly born valor doesn't await the passing of years.

Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in the search thereof when he is grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul.

I nothing had, and yet enough for youth -
Joy in Illusion, ardent thirst for Truth.
Give unrestrained, the old emotion,
The bliss that touched the verge of pain,
The strength of Hate, Love's deep devotion, -
O, give me back my youth again!

It takes a long time to become young.

Youth has no age.


Publilius Syrus also said...

The coward calls himself cautious, the miser thrifty.

He has what he desires who can limit his desires to what is enough.

In excessive altercation, truth is lost.

From the faults of another a wise man will correct his own.

He conquers twice who conquers himself in victory.

It is better to trust in ability than in luck.

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