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Quotes for: joy

Quotes for: joy

The best way to begin each day well is to think upon awakening whether we could not give at least one person pleasure on this day.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - Human, All Too Human / 

I dare to believe that inner joy has some secret power to win the favour of fortune.
René Descartes - Correspondance avec Élisabeth / 

A quiet and modest life brings more joy than a pursuit of success bound with constant unrest.
Albert Einstein / 

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
Albert Einstein / 

In all intense joy there is a feeling of gratitude.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach / 

Joy is the transition of man from a less to a greater perfection.
Baruch Spinoza - Ethics / 

Build not your joy on another's sorrow.
Publilius Syrus / 

Music is the pleasure the human mind experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting.
Gottfried Leibniz / 

Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift.
Albert Einstein / 

He recognized in himself that power to forget which only children have, and geniuses, and the innocent. Innocent, overwhelmed by joy, he understood at last that he was made for happiness.
Albert Camus / 

A propensity to hope and joy is real riches: One to fear and sorrow, real poverty.
David Hume - Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary / 

The mother of excess is not joy but joylessness.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - Human, All Too Human / 

Art is a means of stirring the greatest number of people by offering them a privileged picture of common joys and sufferings. It obliges the artist not to keep himself apart; it subjects him to the most humble and the most universal truth.
Albert Camus - Speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1957 / 

Joy always announces that life has succeeded, gained ground, conquered. All great joy has a triumphant note.
Henri Bergson - L’Énergie spirituelle / 

There is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson / 

The child sees everything in a state of newness; he is always drunk. Nothing more resembles what we call inspiration than the delight with which a child absorbs form and color.
Charles Baudelaire / 

Hope may seem a kind of Leaf-joy, and like Gold, extremely ductile.
Francis Bacon / 

I wish you all the joy that you can wish.
William Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice / 

Pain is short, and joy is eternal.
Friedrich Schiller

Irony is the gaiety of reflection and the joy of wisdom.
Anatole France

We call 'happiness' a certain set of circumstances that makes joy possible. But we call joy that state of mind and emotions that needs nothing to feel happy.
André Gide / 

A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy dare live.
Bertrand Russell

Love to faults is always blind, always is to joy inclined. Lawless, winged, and unconfined, and breaks all chains from every mind.
William Shakespeare

There are, as is known, insects that die in the moment of fertilization. So it is with all joy: life's highest, most splendid moment of enjoyment is accompanied by death.
Soren Kierkegaard

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Rejoicing in our joy, not suffering over our suffering, makes someone a friend.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Joy's smile is much closer to tears than laughter.
Victor Hugo

Only by joy and sorrow does a person know anything about themselves and their destiny. They learn what to do and what to avoid.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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