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Arthur Schopenhauer

Quote of Arthur Schopenhauer - All original thinking takes place in...

Biography - Arthur Schopenhauer:

German philosopher.
Born: 1788 - Died: 1860
19th century
18th century
Place of birth: Germany

All original thinking takes place in images, and this is why imagination is so necessary an instrument of thought, and minds that lack imagination will never accomplish much.



(German, French)

Alles Urdenken geschieht in Bildern: darum ist die Phantasie ein so nothwendiges Werkzeug desselben, und werden phantasielose Köpfe nie etwas Großes leisten.

Toute pensée, à l'origine, est une image ; c'est pourquoi l'imagination est un outil si nécessaire de la pensée ; les têtes qui en sont dépourvues ne font jamais rien de grand.

See also 

See also...

Quotes for: thought


Quotes about thought:

Great thoughts come from the heart.

I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.

Action is the language of the body and should harmonize with the spirit within.

The thought of death betrays us, for it makes us forget to live.

Lucidity adds beauty to profound thoughts.

Quotes for: imagination


Quotes for: imagination

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Man, too, has wings, he has imagination.

Nothing is more fearful than imagination without taste.

Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake?

Without this playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of the imagination is incalculable.

All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination.


Arthur Schopenhauer also said...

Fate shuffles the cards and we play.

Change alone is the constant.

Poetry is related to philosophy as experience is related to empirical science.

The philosopher should never forget that he is cultivating an art and not a science.

For our improvement we need a mirror.

A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.

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info   Image attribution:  title, author, license and source of the original file on Wikipedia. Modifications: changes have been made from the original file (cropping, resizing, renaming and color change).


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