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Nicolas Malebranche

Quote of Nicolas Malebranche - In this connection, faith and experience...

Biography - Nicolas Malebranche:

French philosopher.
Born: 1638 - Died: 1715
18th century
17th century
Place of birth: France

In this connection, faith and experience teach us many truths by means of the short-cut of authority and by the proofs of very pleasant and agreeable feelings.

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Nicolas Malebranche also said...

Of all the human sciences, the science of man is the most worthy.

Do not fear lest you should meditate too much upon Him and speak of Him in an unworthy way, providing you are led by faith. Do not fear lest you should entertain false opinions of Him so long as they are in conformity with the notion of the infinitely perfect Being.

God joins us together by means of the body, in consequence of the laws of the communication of movements. He affects us with the same feelings in consequence of the laws of the conjunction of body and soul.

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