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Edgar Morin

Quote of Edgar Morin - As soon as an individual takes...

Biography - Edgar Morin:

Edgar Morin born Edgar Nahoum is a French philosopher and sociologist .
Born: 1921
21st century
20th century
Place of birth: France

As soon as an individual takes an action, whatever that action may be, it begins to escape from his intentions.



"As soon as an individual takes an action, whatever that action may be, it begins to escape from his intentions. The action enters into the universe of interactions."




Dès qu'un individu entreprend une action, quelle qu'elle soit, celle-ci commence à échapper à ses intentions.

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Quotes for: action


Quotes about action:

I have laboured carefully, not to mock, lament, or execrate, but to understand human actions.

One should be light like a bird, and not like a feather.

Often he who omits an act does injustice, not only he who commits an act.

I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.

Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom.

Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.

Quotes for: Individual


Quotes for: Individual

Harmony between two individuals is never granted - it has to be conquered indefinitely.

Article III – The principle of any sovereignty resides essentially in the Nation. No body, no individual can exert authority which does not emanate expressly from it.

when we say that a man is responsible for himself, we do not only mean that he is responsible for his own individuality, but that he is responsible for all men.

The regeneration of society is the regeneration of society by individual education.

In the society, where people are just parts in a larger machine, individuals are unable to develop fully.

Society exists only as a mental concept in the real world there are only individuals.


Edgar Morin also said...

The first and fundamental resistance is that of the spirit. It means resisting the intimidation of any lie asserted as truth, the contagion of any collective intoxication.

Action is decision, a choice, but it is also a wager.

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