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The task of art today is to bring chaos into order.

Even the smallest light has its little atmosphere.

War on the other hand is such a terrible thing, that no man, especially a Christian man, has the right to assume the responsibility of starting it.

In history as in human life, regret does not bring back a lost moment and a thousand years will not recover something lost in a single hour.

Nature is truth. Art is the highest truth.

He took over anger to intimidate subordinates, and in time anger took over him.

Normality is death.

The truth is that life is delicious, horrible, charming, frightful, sweet, bitter, and that is everything.

The fate of animals is of greater importance to me than the fear of appearing ridiculous it is indissolubly connected with the fate of men.

Faith is the sense of life, that sense by virtue of which man does not destroy himself, but continues to live on. It is the force whereby we live.

One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between Man and Nature shall not be broken.

Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!

The almost insoluble task is to let neither the power of others, nor our own powerlessness, stupefy us.

Without realizing it, the individual composes his life according to the laws of beauty even in times of greatest distress.

Everything tends to make us believe that there exists a certain point of the mind at which life and death, the real and the imagined, past and future, the communicable and the incommunicable, high and low, cease to be perceived as contradictions.

History books that contain no lies are extremely dull.

Perhaps I am doomed to retrace my steps under the illusion that I am exploring, doomed to try and learn what I should simply recognize, learning a mere fraction of what I have forgotten.

Truth is inseperable from the illusory belief that from the figures of the unreal one day, in spite of all, real deliverance will come.

Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation.

The changes in our life must come from the impossibility to live otherwise than according to the demands of our conscience not from our mental resolution to try a new form of life.

Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.

In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.

An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't.

Only the person who has experienced light and darkness, war and peace, rise and fall, only that person has truly experienced life.

You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working in just the same way, you learn to love by loving.

Have patience with the quarrelsomeness of the stupid. It is not easy to comprehend that one does not comprehend.

The poor have to labour in the face of the majestic equality of the law, which forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.

Of all those arts in which the wise excel, Nature's chief masterpiece is writing well.

Suffering! We owe to it all that is good in us, all that gives value to life we owe to it pity, we owe to it courage, we owe to it all the virtues.

In the age of the individual's liquidation, the question of individuality must be raised anew.

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