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John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

Quote of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien - It's the job that's never started...

Biography - John Ronald Reuel Tolkien:

English writer, poet, philologist and academic.
Born: 1892 - Died: 1973
20th century
Place of birth: South Africa
South Africa

It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish.



(French, German)

C'est le travail qu'on ne commence jamais qui est le plus long à terminer.

Die Arbeit, die nie begonnen wurde, dauert am längsten.

See also 

See also...

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

There is no such thing as a long piece of work, except one that you dare not start.

Quotes for: work


Quotes about work:

My work is a game, a very serious game.

The best work is not what is most difficult for you it is what you do best.

Sowing is not so hard as reaping.

Life grants nothing to us mortals without hard work.

The fruits of labor are the sweetest of all pleasures.

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.


John Ronald Reuel Tolkien also said...

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

Courage is found in unlikely places.

The world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air.

He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.

A star shines on the hour of our meeting.

Never laugh at live dragons.

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info   Image attribution:  title, author, license and source of the original file on Wikipedia. Modifications: changes have been made from the original file (cropping, resizing, renaming and color change).


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